Save Money With Our AC Maintenance Membership
Preparing your air conditioner in Trussville, AL, for the cooling season is vital to minimizing energy costs. It also reduces your risk of dealing with summertime breakdowns and paying high repair costs. Ideally, you should schedule AC maintenance as early in the spring as possible. Here’s how our AC maintenance membership helps you save money:
Maximize Energy Efficiency
Your air conditioner features a rating called the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. Your AC system’s SEER measures how efficiently it operates under ideal conditions. You must maintain your air conditioner to get the most bang for your buck. Doing so will maximize energy efficiency and minimize how much you spend on cooling your house.
Prevent Costly AC Repairs
When you have a service technician inspect your air conditioner in Trussville, AL, every spring, they will have the opportunity to find any problems plaguing the system and repair them on the spot. As a result, you’ll prevent them from worsening to the point of making your AC system malfunction or break down completely.
Avoid Expensive AC Replacements
Spring AC maintenance visits keep your air conditioner running in like-new condition for as long as possible. As a result, your AC system will last as long as its intended service life. Skipping AC maintenance will lead your air conditioner to overworking and breaking down more often, resulting in a premature replacement.
Enjoy the Perks of AC Maintenance
Enrolling in our Expert Care Club AC Maintenance Membership is a cost-effective way to maintain your air conditioner. It includes benefits like 20% off any AC repairs, no overtime fees, and up to $500 off HVAC replacements.
Spring is here and hot weather is around the corner. To schedule AC maintenance in or around Trussville, AL, contact Air Experts at your earliest convenience. Our team of service technicians is ready to prepare your air conditioner for the cooling season and ensure it keeps your family comfortable no matter how hot and humid it feels outside.