Debunking Heat Pump Myths
Many Birmingham, AL, homeowners enjoy the benefits of owning a heat pump. But there’s a lot of misinformation floating around about heat pumps. Here’s the truth about a few common myths:
Require a Backup Heat Source During Winter
A properly working pump shouldn’t need a backup. If your pump goes out during cold weather, you need to schedule a heating repair. A pump will work in extremely low temperatures depending on its make and model. Some homes rely on a pump for all their cooling and heating with no need for a backup air conditioner or furnace.
Only Work in Homes With Lots of Insulation
Insulation helps any home stay warmer or cooler depending on the season. But a heat pump can work in a home with or without insulation. As long as the pump is the correct size, it should heat or cool any home effectively and efficiently.
Turn It Up or Down at Night to Conserve Energy
Turning heat pumps up or down at night doesn’t conserve energy. That works with a furnace or air conditioner but not heat pumps. A pump should maintain a constant temperature for efficiency. Heat pumps with variable-speed motors operate best.
Aren’t as Efficient as Furnaces and Air Conditioners
A pump does become less efficient the colder it gets. However, it remains efficient enough to provide heat at very low temperatures. A general pump can work below 20 degrees and sometimes lower. Winters in Birmingham, AL, are generally mild. The temperature rarely drops low enough to stop a heat pump from working. Heat pumps operate as efficiently as air conditioners in the summer.
Heat Pump Installation in Birmingham, AL
Contact Air Experts for heat pump installation, repair and maintenance services. Our field service reps can provide a full range of heating and air conditioning services.